TOGAF® 10 Certified (level 1 & 2) (with exam)

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Original price was: $949.00.Current price is: $850.00.

Online self paced classes

Online Self Learning Courses are designed for self-directed training, allowing participants to begin at their convenience with structured training and review exercises to reinforce learning. You’ll learn through videos, PPTs and complete assignments, projects and other activities designed to enhance learning outcomes, all at times that are most convenient to you.

Foundation Module 1: Introduction

Learning Objectives:

  • The TOGAF standard, Version 9.2 Foundation Workbook
  • Why TOGAF Certification for People
  • The TOGAF Certification Program

Foundation Module 2: The Core Concepts of TOGAF 9

Learning Objectives:

  • Enterprise Architecture Background
  • Interview with Allen Brown – CEO of the Open Group
  • Architecture in the TOGAF Context?
  • TOGAF Background
  • Architecture Types
  • TOGAF 9.2 Components
  • What is the Value of TOGAF as an Architecture Framework
  • What is an Architecture Framework?
  • TOGAF Components

Foundation Module 3: The Architecture Development Method (ADM)

Learning Objectives:

  • Describe the main objectives of each phase
  • Briefly explain the approach undertaken for each phase
  • Briefly explain how Requirements Management fits into the ADM cycle
  • Describe the nature of the Requirements Management process
  • To briefly explain the contents of Part III of TOGAF 9.2
  • The need for Architecture Principles and where they are used within TOGAF 9.2
  • The standard template for Architecture Principles and what makes a good Architecture Principle
  • What a Business Scenario is, its purpose, and explain where Business Scenarios are used within the ADM cycle
  • The purpose of Gap Analysis and describe the Gap Analysis technique
  • Explain the term interoperability, and understand the use of Interoperability Requirements within the TOGAF ADM
  • To understand the Business Transformation Readiness program and where Business Transformation Readiness is used within the ADM
  • To understand the characteristics of Risk Management and where Risk Management is used within the TOGAF ADM and to understand Capability-Based Planning

Foundation Module 4: Architecture Views, Viewpoints and Stakeholders

Learning Objectives:

  • To define and explain the concepts of Stakeholders, Concerns, Architecture Views, and Architecture Viewpoints
  • To describe a simple example of an architecture viewpoint and view
  • To discuss the relationship between stakeholders, concerns, architecture views, and architecture viewpoints
  • To describe the architecture view creation process

Foundation Module 5: The Concept of Building Blocks

Learning Objectives:

  • To define what a building block is, and explain what makes a good building block
  • To explain the distinction between Architecture Building Blocks and Solution Building Blocks
  • To explain the use of building blocks in the ADM cycle
  • To describe the characteristics of an Architecture Pattern

Foundation Module 6: The Key Deliverables of the ADM Cycle

Learning Objectives:

  • To explain the role of architecture deliverables across the ADM cycle
  • To briefly explain the purpose of key TOGAF deliverables such as Architecture Building Blocks, Architecture Contract, Architecture Principles, Architecture Vision, Compliance Assessment, or Statement of Architecture Work

Foundation Module 7: The Enterprise Continuum

Learning Objectives:

  • To explain what the Enterprise Continuum is
  • Describe how it is used in organizing and developing an architecture
  • To explain how the Enterprise Continuum promotes re-use of architecture artifacts
  • Describe the constituents of the Enterprise Continuum
  • To explain the purpose of the Enterprise Continuum
  • To explain the purpose of the Architecture Continuum
  • To list the stages of architecture evolution defined in the Architecture Continuum
  • To explain the purpose of the Solutions Continuum
  • To list the stages of architecture evolution defined in the Solutions Continuum
  • To explain the relationship between the Enterprise Continuum and the TOGAF ADM

Foundation Module 8: The Architecture Repository

Learning Objectives:

  • To describe the Architecture Repository, and explain the relationship between the Enterprise Continuum and the Architecture Repository
  • To describe the classes of information held in the Architecture Repository
  • To list the three levels of the Architecture Landscape
  • To explain the purpose of the Standards Information Base within the Architecture Repository

Foundation Module 9: The TOGAF Reference Models

Learning Objectives:

  • To explain the role of the TRM as a Foundation Architecture
  • To describe at a high-level the main components of the TOGAF TRM
  • To explain the basic concepts of the III-RM
  • To explain the relationship of the III-RM to the concept of Boundaryless Information Flow

Foundation Module 10: Architecture Governance and the ADM

Learning Objectives:

  • To explain the concept of Architecture Governance and explain why it is beneficial
  • To describe the main components that make up an Architecture Governance framework
  • To explain the need for establishment of an Architecture Board and list its responsibilities
  • To explain the role of Architecture Contracts
  • To explain the meaning of and need for Architecture Compliance
  • To explain the purpose of Architecture Compliance Reviews and briefly describe the Architecture Compliance Review process
  • To explain how the ADM can be used to establish an Architecture Capability

Certified Module 1: Preliminary Phase

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the inputs to the phase and be able to explain the following key elements: Architecture Frameworks, Business principles, business goals, and business drivers
  • Explain the influence of pre-existing architectural inputs on the phase
  • Understand the steps and be able to: Describe how to establish an enterprise architecture team and organization, identify and establish a set of Architecture Principles for a given scenario, discuss the appropriate considerations for tailoring the framework
  • Understand the outputs and be able to explain the following key elements: Architecture Principles, Architecture Governance Framework, Request for Architecture Work
  • Explain how Security Architecture influences this phase

Certified Module 2: Architecture Governance

Learning Objectives:

  • Explain how Architecture Governance fits within the ADM cycle
  • Discuss the key success factors for putting Architecture Governance into practice
  • Discuss the factors that should be considered when setting up an Architecture Board
  • Explain how to operate an Architecture Board

Certified Module 3: Business Scenarios Techniques

Learning Objectives:

  • Describe the properties of a good Business Scenario
  • Explain how to develop and validate a Business

Certified Module 4: Phase A: Architecture Vision

Learning Objectives:

  • Describe the typical contents of the Architecture Repository at this point
  • Understand the steps and be able to describe how to identify stakeholders, their concerns, and business requirements. As well as being able to explain the purpose of a Business Transformation Readiness Assessment and describe the risk assessment approach taken in this phase
  • Understand the outputs and be able to explain the following key elements including their purpose: Statement of Architecture Work, Capability Assessment, Architecture Vision and Communications Plan
  • Explain the Security Architecture influences on this phase

Certified Module 5: Architecture Content Framework

Learning Objectives:

  • Explain the purpose of the Architecture Content Framework
  • Describe the main components of the Content Metamodel
  • Describe the relationship between the Architecture Content Framework and the TOGAF ADM

Certified Module 6: Stakeholder Management

Learning Objectives:

  • Describe the steps in developing a Stakeholder Map
  • Describe the stakeholders and their concerns
  • Use the example Stakeholder Map provided by the TOGAF Standard as a guideline to identify stakeholders

Certified Module 7: TOGAF Content Metamodel

Learning Objectives:

  • Describe the core metamodel concepts
  • Explain the purpose of dividing the metamodel into core and extensions
  • Describe the key concepts related to the core metamodel entities

Certified Module 8: Architecture Implementation Support Techniques

Learning Objectives:

  • Explain how to reconcile Interoperability Requirements with potential solutions
  • Explain the factors that influence Business Transformation Readiness
  • Explain how to determine requirements for risk assessments
  • Explain how Capability-Based Planning is applied in an enterprise architecture context

Certified Module 9: Phase B: Business Architecture

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the inputs to the phase and explain business principles, business goals, and business drivers
  • Understand the steps and be able to: Describe three techniques for business modeling, explain the considerations for selecting reference models, viewpoints and tools, explain the technique of Gap Analysis
  • Explain how building blocks are used in the development of the Business Architecture
  • Understand the outputs and be able to explain the following key elements: Business Architecture components of the Architecture Definition Document, Business Architecture components of the Architecture Requirements Specification
  • Explain the Security Architecture influences on this phase

Certified Module 10: Phase C: Information Systems Architectures - Data Architecture

Learning Objectives:

  • Explain the considerations for the implementation order of the Data and Application Architectures
  • Understand the inputs to the phase and explain data principles
  • Understand the steps and be able to explain the considerations for selecting reference models, viewpoints, and tools
  • Understand the outputs and be able to explain the following key elements: Data Architecture components of the Architecture Definition Document, Data Architecture components of the Architecture Requirements Specification
  • Explain the Security Architecture influences on this phase

Certified Module 11: Phase C: Information Systems Architectures - Application Architecture

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the inputs to the phase and explain application principles
  • Understand the steps and be able to explain the considerations for selecting reference models, viewpoints, and tools
  • Understand the outputs and be able to explain the following key elements: Application Architecture components of the Architecture Definition Document, Application Architecture components of the Architecture Requirements Specification
  • Explain the Security Architecture influences on this phase

Certified Module 12: TOGAF Foundation Architecture: The Technical Reference Model

Learning Objectives:

  • Explain the TRM graphic, including the following key elements: Application Software, Categories, Application Platform Interface, Application Platform, Communications Infrastructure Interface, Qualities
  • Briefly describe the structure of the TRM
  • Briefly explain the main architecture objectives of using the TRM
  • Explain what the Platform Services Taxonomy is
  • Explain what the Service Quality Taxonomy is
  • Explain how to customize the TRM to meet an organization’s specific needs

Certified Module 13: Integrated Information Infrastructure Reference Model (level 2)

Learning Objectives:

  • Describe the business and technical drivers for Boundaryless Information Flow
  • Explain how the III-RM fulfills the solution space for Boundaryless Information Flow
  • Briefly describe the high-level structure of the III-RM
  • Explain the III-RM graphic, including the following components: Business Applications, Infrastructure Applications, Application Platform, Interfaces, Qualities

Certified Module 14: Phase D: Technology Architecture

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the inputs to the phase and explain the following key elements: Technology Principles
  • Understand the steps and be able to: Explain how the TRM can be used when developing a Technology Architecture, Explain the role of ABBs
  • Understand the outputs and be able to explain the following key elements: Technology Architecture components of the Architecture Definition Document, Technology Architecture components of the Architecture Requirements Specification
  • Explain the Security Architecture influences on this phase

Certified Module 15: Migration Planning Techniques

Learning Objectives:

  • Describe how the Implementation Factor Assessment and Deduction Matrix can be used to document factors impacting the Architecture Implementation and Migration Plan
  • Explain the purpose of the Consolidated Gaps, Solutions, and Dependencies Matrix
  • Describe the purpose of an Architecture Definition Increments Table
  • Explain how the Transition Architecture State Evolution Table can be used in conjunction with a defined taxonomy such as the TOGAF standard’s TRM
  • Explain how the Business Value Assessment Technique can be used in architecture development

Certified Module 16: Phase E: Opportunities and Solutions

Learning Objectives:

  • Explain how migration planning techniques are used in this phase to review and consolidate the Gap Analysis results from earlier phases
  • Describe the steps to create the Implementation and Migration Strategy
  • Describe three basic approaches to implementation
  • Explain how to identify and group work packages
  • Explain how Transition Architectures are created and documented

Certified Module 17: Phase F: Migration Planning

Learning Objectives:

  • Describe the management frameworks that have to be coordinated within this phase
  • Explain how business value is assigned to each work package
  • Describe the steps to prioritize the migration projects
  • Describe the steps to confirm the Architecture Roadmap
  • Explain key outputs of this phase specifically: Implementation and Migration Plan, Architecture Definition Document, including Transition Architectures (if any)
  • Explain the Security Architecture influences on this phase

Certified Module 18: Phase G: Implementation Governance

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the inputs to the phase
  • Understand the steps and be able to describe the following: Explain how to tailor and conduct an Architecture Compliance Review
  • Understand the outputs and be able to explain the following key elements: The contents of Architecture Contracts, their relationship to Architecture Governance
  • Explain the Security Architecture influences on this phase
  • Demonstrate the role that risk monitoring plays in this phase

Certified Module 19: Phase H: Architecture Change Management

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the inputs to the phase and be able to explain the following: Change Requests
  • Understand the steps and be able to describe the following: Architecture board meetings
  • Understand the outputs and be able to explain when the following might occur: Updated Architecture Contracts, a new Request for Architecture Work
  • Explain the Security Architecture influences on this phase

Certified Module 20: ADM Architecture Change Management

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the inputs to the phase
  • Understand the steps and their correspondence to phases
  • Explain how the Requirements Management steps correspond to ADM phases
  • Explain the purpose of the outputs of Requirements Management
  • Explain the Security Architecture influences on the requirements captured

Certified Module 21: Architecture Partitioning

Learning Objectives:

  • Describe the purpose of Architecture Partitioning
  • Describe the classification criteria for solutions and architectures when considering partitioning
  • Describe how Architecture Partitioning can be employed in the Preliminary Phase of the ADM

Certified Module 22: Architecture Repository

Learning Objectives:

  • Explain the relationship between the Architecture Repository and the Enterprise Repository
  • Describe the purpose of the repository areas that hold output of projects, specifically: Architecture Landscape, Reference Library, Standards Information Base
  • Governance Log

Certified Module 23: Guidelines for Adapting the ADM Iteration and Levels

Learning Objectives:

  • Describe the concept of iteration and how it applies to TOGAF standards
  • Describe the factors influencing the use of iteration
  • Describe some suggested iteration cycles
  • Describe how the ADM supports different types of engagements within the organization
  • Explain how to apply iteration cycles to the ADM phases
  • Explain how the concepts of levels and the Enterprise Continuum are used to organize the Architecture Landscape
  • Identify the different levels of architecture that exist in an organization

Certified Module 24: Adapting the ADM: Security

Learning Objectives:

  • Describe the responsibility that Enterprise Architects have towards Security Architecture
  • Describe the recommended Security adaptations to the ADM

Certified Module 25: Architecture Maturity Models

Learning Objectives:

  • Explain the role of a Capability Maturity Model
  • Explain the CMMI process improvement approach development by CMU
  • Describe the structure and levels of the ACMM developed by CMU for the US DoC
  • Explain the role of Maturity Assessments in the ADM

Certified Module 26: Architecture Skills Framework

Learning Objectives:

  • Explain the purpose of the Architecture Skills Framework and why it is needed
  • Describe the benefits of using the Architecture Skills Framework
  • Describe the structure of the Architecture Skills Framework, including roles, skills, and proficiency levels

About this course

Become fully certified in the world’s most popular enterprise architecture framework with this award-winning course suite from CertAdda!

‘The Open Group Architecture Framework’, or ‘TOGAF’, offers a comprehensive, adaptable, and widely-applicable methodology for developing enterprise architectures. This course package was designed to give students all the TOGAF training they need not only to pass the TOGAF Foundation (Level 1) and TOGAF Certified (Level 2) exams, but also to begin applying the framework as fully qualified practitioners.

Who is this course aimed at?

  • Individuals who want to become fully certified in TOGAF 9.2 as efficiently and cheaply as possible
  • Professionals who need to participate in architecture projects and initiatives
  • Enterprise architects who will be responsible for developing architecture artifacts
  • Enterprise architects who want to achieve a recognized qualification to demonstrate their detailed knowledge of the TOGAF 9.2 standard
  • Organizations looking to adopt TOGAF best practices

What will you learn by taking this course?

  • How to use and adapt the different levels of architecture development outlined by the TOGAF Architecture Development Method (ADM)
  • How the TOGAF ADM phases enable the development and governance of enterprise architectures
  • How to use Building Blocks, the Stakeholder Management Technique, The TOGAF Content Metamodel, the TOGAF Technical Reference Model, and the Integrated Information Infrastructure Reference Model
  • The content of the ADM cycle’s key deliverables and the purpose of the Architecture Repository
  • Everything needed to pass the official TOGAF 9 Foundation and Certified exams in quick succession

Why should you take this course?

  • The course was awarded ‘Outstanding Certification Product’ at The Open Group Awards
  • The TOGAF certification training course is perfect for anyone looking to pass the TOGAF Foundation and Certified exams in order to become a certified TOGAF 9.2 practitioner
  • You can save time and money by studying for both exams as part of a package
  • TOGAF 9.2 qualifications are globally recognized and open up opportunities in networking and career advancement
  • TOGAF 9.2 offers a shared terminology which all practitioners are familiar with, improving collaboration and teamwork
  • Students don’t need to worry about TOGAF certification exam fees, as this course comes with a FREE exam voucher along with a FREE resit with Exam Pledge
  • This TOGAF training course was designed with input from highly experienced TOGAF practitioners and features instructor-led videos and audio narratives
  • Students receive 12 months of access, expert tutor support, a FREE exam voucher, and a FREE resit with Exam Pledge (T&Cs apply)
  • The course comes with a great deal of TOGAF certification preparation material
  • The course is fully accredited by The Open Group

Who takes the exam?

Pearson Vue is the authorized provider of exams for TOGAF 9.2, IT4IT and ArchiMate certification. It hosts exams worldwide through a network of test centers.

Will I get exam voucher?

This course comes with a FREE voucher to let you avoid the TOGAF certification exam fees. It must be used within 12 months of being issued. The course also makes students for a FREE resit via Exam Pledge.

What is student workbook?

CertAdda’s TOGAF 9.2 Certified course features a student workbook, available as a PDF download. The student can use this workbook to make notes as they progress through the course. A completed workbook makes a great study guide for exam preparation. Either print out the workbook and make hand-written entries or (if you have Adobe Reader 11 or later) make notes directly into the PDF.

Will I get any mock exams?

Two mock exams and a mock exam simulator with answers are included within the course. Students are encouraged to make good use of them in order to prepare for the official exam.

How will I get my exam voucher?

When you are ready to use your free exam voucher, simply contact Exam voucher requests are typically processed within 2 working days but please allow up to 5. Students must request their exam voucher within the course access period which starts from the date of purchase.

How many questions are in TOGAF Level-1 exam?

This is a multiple choice exam consisting of 40 questions

What is the time limit in TOGAF Level-1 exam?

There is a time limit of 60 minutes to complete the exam

Is the TOGAF Level-1 exam open book or closed book?

The exam is closed-book – you cannot make use of any resources or materials during the exam

What is the passing marks for TOGAF Level-1 exam?

The pass mark for the exam is 55%: you must score at least 22 points out of a maximum of 40

Will I get any extra time for my TOGAF Level-1 exam?

In countries where English is a second language, 30 minutes of additional time will be allocated. The total time, in this case, will be 90 minutes

How many questions are in TOGAF Level-2 exam?

This is an open book examination consisting of 8 questions

What is the time limit in TOGAF Level-2 exam?

There is a time limit of 90 minutes to complete the exam

What is the marking scheme in TOGAF Level-2 exam?

Each correct answer scores 5 points, Each second-best answer scores 3 points, Each third-best answer scores 1 point

What is the passing marks for TOGAF Level-2 exam?

The pass mark for the exam is 60%: you must get 24 out of 40 questions correct

What is enterprise architecture?

‘Enterprise architecture’ involves creating ‘architectures’ of IT infrastructures, including how they are put together and how different elements interact. This provides a clearer sense of perspective which organizations can use to align architectures with business goals. This can be essential for supporting large-scale enterprise transformation, IT growth, and organization-wide change.

What is TOGAF?

‘The Open Group Architecture Framework’ is a leading enterprise architecture framework. It provides a systematic approach for designing, building, and adapting enterprise architectures – one that has been successfully applied across countless organizations and industries around the world.

Who owns the TOGAF standard?

The Open Group works with customers and suppliers of technology products and services, and with consortia and other standards organizations to capture, clarify, and integrate current and emerging requirements, establish standards and policies, and share best practices.

What kind of organization is the TOGAF standard suitable for?

The TOGAF standard is used by organizations of virtually every size, sector and industry. Enterprise architecture is becoming a much more common practice for maximizing efficiency and managing complex business strategies, and this has only led to an increase in demand for TOGAF certified architects. However, while any organization can use the TOGAF standard, it takes a certified architect to use it properly.

What does the TOGAF certification path look like?

Students begin with TOGAF Foundation (Level 1). Passing this allows them to proceed to the TOGAF Certified (Level 2) exam. There are no prerequisites for taking the TOGAF Business Architecture (BA) exam. The Essentials and Implementation courses can also be taken without passing an exam.

How much is a TOGAF certification worth?

According to Payscale, TOGAF-certified professionals such as enterprise, solutions, and technical architects can earn between $85,000 and $202,000 (or £39,000 and £202,000). TOGAF-certified architects can also find work in various industries all over the world.

In what countries is the TOGAF standard popular?

The TOGAF framework is popular all over the world. You can find certified professionals in over 130 countries, and TOGAF architects can find work almost anywhere. That being said, there are certainly several regions where the TOGAF standard has more of a presence. The majority of TOGAF certifications are earned in the UK, USA, India, the Netherlands and Australia.

How can TOGAF benefit businesses?

The clarity offered by TOGAF helps businesses to pursue enterprise transformation, IT growth, and organization-wide change with optimized efficiency and focus. It also helps users to ensure that their IT infrastructures are fully aligned with essential business goals.

What do I need to know about the TOGAF exams?

The TOGAF Foundation exam is closed-book, lasts 60 minutes, and features 40 questions. Students who do not have English as their native language can be allocated 30 minutes of extra time. The pass mark is 55%. The TOGAF Certified exam has eight questions, lasts 90 minutes, and has a pass mark of 60%.

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