Advanced Predictive Modelling in R Certification Training

R offers a free and open source environment that is perfect for both learning and deploying predictive modelling solutions. This Certification Training is intended for a broad audience as both, an introduction to predictive models as well as a guide to applying them, covering topics such as Ordinary Least Square Regression, Advanced Regression, Imputation, Dimensionality Reduction etc. Readers will also be able to learn basics of Statistics, such as Correlation and Linear Regression Analysis.

Original price was: $169.00.Current price is: $150.00.

Online self paced classes

Online Self Learning Courses are designed for self-directed training, allowing participants to begin at their convenience with structured training and review exercises to reinforce learning. You’ll learn through videos, PPTs and complete assignments, projects and other activities designed to enhance learning outcomes, all at times that are most convenient to you.

Basic Statistics in R

Learning Objectives: In this module you will get a brief introduction to statistics and will conduct best test and exploratory analysis.


  • Covariance & Correlation
  • Central Limit Theorem
  • Z Score
  • Normal Distributions
  • Hypothesis

Hands On:

  • Calculating statistical parameters such as mean, median, mode and making custom visualizations for developing intuition of data with respect to statistical parameters.

Ordinary Least Square Regression 1

Learning Objectives: In this module you will get a brief introduction of basic regression and multiple regression and will learn how to present the same graphically.


  • Bivariate Data
  • Quantifying Association
  • The Best Line: Least Squares Method
  • The Regressions
  • Simple Linear Regression
  • Deletion Diagnostics and Influential Observations
  • Regularization

Hands On:

  • Ridge and Lasso regression implementation.

Ordinary Least Square Regression 2

Learning Objectives: The goal of this module is to dive you into linear regression and make the model a better fit, make necessary transformation check for over fitting and under fitting and outliers’ identification and treatment.


  • Model fitting using Linear Regression
  • Performing Over Fitting & Under Fitting
  • Collinearity
  • What is Heteroscedasticity?

Hands On:

  • Perform exploratory data analysis and check for heteroscedasticity, perform remedial steps and transform the data and implement linear regression model.

Logistic Regression

Learning Objectives: In this module, you will understand the problems related with Linear Probability Model, will be introduced to logistic regression and various uses of the same and its industry usage.


  • Binary Response Regression Model
  • Linear regression as Linear Probability Model
  • Problems with Linear Probability Model
  • Logistic Function
  • Logistic Curve
  • Goodness of fit matrix
  • All Interactions Logistic Regression
  • Multinomial Logit
  • Interpretation
  • Ordered Categorical Variable

Hands On:

  • Build a logistic regression model to classify the data.

Advanced Regression

Learning Objectives: In this module, you will dig deeper into logistic regression and learn about more varied usage of logistic regression on various dataset.


  • Poisson Regression
  • Model Fit Test
  • Offset Regression
  • Poisson Model with Offset
  • Negative Binomial
  • Dual Models
  • Hurdle Models
  • Zero-Inflated Poisson Models
  • Variables used in the Analysis
  • Poisson Regression Parameter Estimates
  • Zero-Inflated Negative Binomial

Hands On:

  • Create ZINB and Hurdel regression model.


Learning Objectives: In this module, you will learn about addressing missing values and how to impute it using various processes.


  • Missing Values are Common
  • Types of Missing Values
  • Why is Missing Data a Problem?
  • No Treatment Option: Complete Case Method
  • No Treatment Option: Available Case Method
  • Problems with Pairwise Deletion
  • Mean Substitution Method
  • Imputation
  • Regression Substitution Method
  • K-Nearest Neighbour Approach
  • Maximum Likelihood Estimation
  • EM Algorithm
  • Single and Multiple Imputation
  • Little’s Test for MCAR

Hands On:

  • Implement KNN model and perform single and multiple imputation.

Forecasting 1

Learning Objectives: The goal of this module is to give an introduction on forecasting and time series data.


  • Need for Forecasting
  • Types of Forecast
  • Forecasting Steps
  • Autocorrelation
  • Correlogram
  • Time Series Components
  • Variations in Time Series
  • Seasonality
  • Forecast Error
  • Mean Error (ME)
  • MPE and MAPE—Unit free measure
  • Additive v/s Multiplicative Seasonality
  • Curve Fitting
  • Simple Exponential Smoothing (SES)
  • Decomposition with R
  • Generating Forecasts
  • Explicit Modeling
  • Modeling of Trend
  • Seasonal Components
  • Smoothing Methods
  • ARIMA Model-building

Hands On:

  • Implement Exponential Smoothing and ARIMA model for time series forecasting.

Forecasting 2

Learning Objectives: In this module, you will learn about Seasonality, Trend Analysis and decaying the factors over the time.


  • Analysis of Log-transformed Data
  • How to Formulate the Model
  • Partial Regression Plot
  • Normal Probability Plot
  • Tests for Normality
  • Box-Cox Transformation
  • Box-Tidwell Transformation
  • Growth Curves
  • Logistic Regression: Binary
  • Neural Network
  • Network Architectures
  • Neural Network Mathematics

Dimensionality Reduction

Learning Objectives: In this module, you will get a complete knowledge on Dimensionality Reduction and will discuss and apply few of the important algorithms associated with Dimensionality Reduction.


  • Factor Analysis
  • Principal Component Analysis
  • Mechanism of finding PCA
  • Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA)
  • Determining the maximum separable line using LDA
  • Implement Dimensionality Reduction algorithm in R

Hands On:

  • Implement Principal component analysis and Boosting(ADAboost).

Survival Analysis

Learning Objectives: In this module, you will learn about Churn analysis and Regression on time series data with time component.


  • Time-to-Event Data
  • Censoring
  • Survival Analysis
  • Types of Censoring
  • Survival Analysis Techniques
  • PreProcessing
  • Elastic Net

Hands On:

  • Do PCA preprocessing and implement Elastic Net model.

About the course

This course will introduce you to some of the most widely used predictive modeling techniques and their core principles. Predictive modelling is emerging as a competitive strategy across many business sectors and can set apart high performing companies. Models such as multiple linear regression, logistic regression, auto-regressive integrated moving average (ARIMA), decision trees, and neural networks are frequently used in solving predictive analytics problems. Regression models help us understand the relationships among these variables and how their relationships can be exploited to make decisions

What are the objectives of this course?

After the completion of this training, you will be able to:

  • Understand Basics of Statistics using R
  • Explain Regression
  • Understand Simple, Multiple, Advanced and Logistic Regression
  • Perform model fitting using Linear Regression
  • Explain What is Heteroscedasticity?
  • Understand Binary Response Variable and Linear Probability Model
  • Explain Imputation
  • Understand Forecasting
  • Learn Neural Networks
  • Explain Dimensionality Reduction
  • Understands the algorithms associated with Dimensionality Reduction
  • Understand Survival Analysis

Why Learn Advance Predictive Modeling using R?

This course will introduce you to some of the most widely used predictive modelling techniques and their core principles which is designed for anyone who is interested in using data to gain insights and make better business decisions. The techniques discussed in this course are applied throughout all functional areas within business organizations such as accounting, finance, human resource management, marketing, operations, strategic planning etc.

Who should go for this course?

The following professionals can take up this course:

  • Developers aspiring to be a ‘Data Scientist’
  • Analytics Managers who are leading a team of analysts
  • ‘R’ professionals who want to capture and analyze Big Data
  • Business Analysts who want to understand Machine Learning (ML) Techniques

What are the pre-requisites for this course?

Basic Understanding of R will be necessary in order to take up this course

What if I miss a class?

You will never miss a lecture at CertAdda, You can choose either of the two options: View the recorded session of the class available in your LMS or You can attend the missed session, in any other live batch.

Can I attend a demo session before enrollment?

We have limited number of participants in a live session to maintain the Quality Standards. So, unfortunately, participation in a live class without enrollment is not possible. However, you can go through the sample class recording and it would give you a clear insight into how are the classes conducted, quality of instructors and the level of interaction in a class.

Who are the instructors?

All the instructors at CertAdda are practitioners from the Industry with minimum 10-12 yrs of relevant IT experience. They are subject matter experts and are trained by CertAdda for providing an awesome learning experience to the participants.

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